以下是引用StuntGp在2009/10/24 14:11:00的发言:
另外在选修的management里有个sports leadership的课程,有没有达人给分析一下,是什么内容的。 I found the below description of the course from the university course website. Hope it helps. The following topics will be covered in class:
1. Principles of Sports Leadership: Leadership is a critical element to success in any field, and sports is no different. We will discuss in class the basic elements of good leadership that are exhibited by Coaches and General Managers of sports teams. We will also discuss how to develop leaders. The principles discussed in class will be related to the business world.
2. Developing Teamwork: In sports, it is critical for all members of the team to understand their role on the team and the importance of their ability to work together towards a common goal of winning the game. In the class, we will show how a sports team achieves this and how this can be applied in the business world.
3. Motivation: It is easy to say that a company will only hire “self-motivated” individuals, but that is not always the case. Furthermore, those who are “self-motivated” are human and will still need motivation at times. In sports, you likewise try to recruit only “self-motivated” individuals, but you do not always end up with an entire team of them.
4. Media Relations and Crisis Management: A big part of sports is media relations. Everything done in professional sports – and to some extent, college and high school sports – is covered extensively by TV, radio, Internet, and print media. It is critical in sports to be able to deal with the media on a daily basis. In business, it is no less critical to be proficient in media relations, but the difference is that it is done on an infrequent basis. We will discuss in class the principles of media relations that will help the students have guidelines to deal with the media. In sports, when a crisis occurs with a team or player, it rarely escapes the news. In class, we will discuss how to deal with a crisis internally, as well as externally (with the media).
5. Selecting Talent: In sports – as well as business perhaps – the most critical factor in the success of a team is the talent on the team. The difference in sports, however, is that selecting talent for a team is much more restrictive due to the mechanisms you have to deal with, such as a draft, salary cap, and player contract restrictions. There are also restrictions on hiring front office personnel away from other teams so it is also important to be proficient in selecting talent, but also it is important to develop talent. In class, we will discuss what sports teams look for in selecting talent – both in players and head coaches (CEO).
6. Dealing with Different Situations: I have picked six common situations that happen in sports and will discuss how to handle each situation. These six situations are: Newly-named coach; Extended losing streak; Extended winning streak; Sustaining a winning streak; Sustaining success after a big season; and Rebounding from a poor season.
[此贴子已经被作者于2009/10/27 23:13:42编辑过] |