急问: 先给大家拜年了,大家过年好; 言归正传,正在申请港大的MBA,看到FAQ里有这样的一句话: What materials must be filed with my application? You need to fill in the application form, including two 'Request for Statement of Reference' forms to be filled out by the referees. Moreover, the best way to submit your GMAT score is to attach the original or certified true copy of the score result to your application form, instead of asking the institution to send it directly to us. 所以想请教一下, (1)Application Form不是也是电子版提交的么?难道还需要纸质版再邮寄一次? application form是电子版的,但是你的两份推荐信是需要纸质原件的,所以应该是电子版的application form+两份推荐信构成了完成的application form。(2)GMAT Score certified true copy 需要到公证处去公证么?如果是电子版提交扫描件可以么? 应该是需要公正的,电子版提交的扫描和复印件并没有本质区别的。其实GMAC效率还可以的,就是GMAC寄出后要请港大进行确实,我觉得GMAC的速度还是可以的。具体如何选择,再看你个人的需要吧。非常感谢大家 -- by 会员 littleJ (2010/2/15 21:13:25)