1. Let me emphasize again, we are from the current batch of HKU Full-Time MBA, just MBA not EMBA or others. 2. We are trying our best to ask the questions regarding Full-Time MBA. But, if you have questions regarding HKU Part-time MBA, EMBA, HKU-FDU IMBA, we can routine you to the related parties. 3. As to the concerns from Boutique, we confirm there is NO Case Interview involve in HKU Full-Time MBA and the programme treats everyone equally regardless of where the candidates come from. This policy has been a few years and will last until advance notice to change if any.
Please see the reply from Chris Chan, Associate Professor | Assistant Dean | Director of MBA Programs. Hope it helps to clarify the issue:
"For our full-time admission to the HKU MBAprogram, we have used individual interview format. Usually it is me withanother professor or with Sachin interviewing a candidate in person or bySkype/phone. We do not use case for full-time but rather ask themquestions on various scenarios and review their attitude and motivation, etc. Thishas been the case for the last few years and we do this for all candidates(regardless of HK, mainland, western, Indian, etc.) Forthe part-time admission to the HKU MBA program, we hold panel interview usingcases. Usually a panel of 6 is formed and they are given a case inadvance and then we observe their communication, analytical, critical thinking,and business skills in a group discussion.
Occasionallywe conduct a second interview for both full-time and part-time on marginalcases.
Ithink for the Shanghai IMBA admission, they may have a different practice.
Ihope this clarify our interview policy. I don’t intend to change thissoon. "
香港大学mba的面试不是case interview 楼上的不要误导 -- by 会员 JFYung (2009/11/6 2:12:26)
I am pretty sure that there is a Case interview for both Part time and Full time in Hong Kong for HKU MBA. whether that you get exempted, i.e. you are too brilliant or having very strong or special background is your matter but most of the candinates I met will go through the Cases. Please check if there is recent changes. Unlike a few years before, less and less succeeded B-School candinates is returning to help, there may be some reason. I only hope that at least in this part of CD, the source of information is reliable, since most of the people reading (mainland China candinates) will represent a great investment for them in terms of time and money. You also make a decision to come to Hong Kong and give up trying the schools in Beijing, Shanghai and the rest of the World. Hong Kong is a small territory and it is an open society, which information can not be blocked. And, there ain't a big class in HKU, and we are paying taxes to fund your studies. -- by 会员 boutique (2009/11/7 21:40:17)