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[校友答疑] 2010 香港大学 HKUMBA申请咨询- 在校生答疑

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发表于 2009-11-8 00:19:06 | 只看该作者
I am not sure for Part-Time HKU in HK whether Case Interview is involved or not.
As a current student, I make the guarantee I did NOT have any case interview for the HKU Full-Time MBA in partnership with LBS/CBS/FDU last year though I am not sure about the year before I was enrolled.
But if you apply the HKU-FDU part-time MBA in Shanghai, whether general stream or executive stream, Case Interview is a must.
You mention you are paying tax to fund us, I assume you are working in Hong Kong with a great job to fund us. Thank you very much for supporting our study.
If you have free time, we'd like to invite you to visit HKU MBA. I firmly believe you will feel we are family.
Hong Kong is small, we are thriving to help each other. We bare in mind every minute that the help we've got from CD last year. We understand the feeling entirely as we experienced same last year!
香港大学mba的面试不是case interview 楼上的不要误导
-- by 会员 JFYung (2009/11/6 2:12:26)

I am pretty sure that there is a Case interview for both Part time and Full time  in Hong Kong for HKU MBA. whether that you get exempted, i.e. you are too brilliant or having very strong or special background is your matter but most of the candinates I met will go through the Cases. Please check if there is recent changes.

Unlike a few years before, less and less succeeded B-School candinates is returning to help, there may be some reason.

I only hope that at least in this part of CD, the source of information is reliable, since most of the people reading (mainland China candinates) will represent a great investment for them in terms of time and money.   You also make a decision to come to Hong Kong and give up trying the schools in Beijing, Shanghai and the rest of the World.

Hong Kong is a small territory and it is an open society, which information can not be blocked. And, there ain't a big class in HKU, and we are paying taxes to fund your studies.
-- by 会员 boutique (2009/11/7 21:40:17)
-- by 会员 lovelyqiqi (2009/11/7 23:48:35)

Where is JF?

If what you said is true, it probably will cause a serious uproar for non-mainland Chinese Students.

There will be demand for policy changes, similar to charging pregnant mothers to give birth in public hospitals in Hong Kong.
 楼主| 发表于 2009-11-8 00:52:09 | 只看该作者
楼上的 香港大学的mba项目用什么手段来录取候选人是mba admission的事情。
either case interview either going through your resume either behavior testing

我是这一届的FTMBA 我在上海面试的时候 确实没有遇见case interview 而且面试很简短氛围很好。
发表于 2009-11-8 01:15:21 | 只看该作者
I am not sure for Part-Time HKU in HK whether Case Interview is involved or not.
As a current student, I make the guarantee I did NOT have any case interview for the HKU Full-Time MBA in partnership with LBS/CBS/FDU last year though I am not sure about the year before I was enrolled.
But if you apply the HKU-FDU part-time MBA in Shanghai, whether general stream or executive stream, Case Interview is a must.
You mention you are paying tax to fund us, I assume you are working in Hong Kong with a great job to fund us. Thank you very much for supporting our study.
If you have free time, we'd like to invite you to visit HKU MBA. I firmly believe you will feel we are family.
Hong Kong is small, we are thriving to help each other. We bare in mind every minute that the help we've got from CD last year. We understand the feeling entirely as we experienced same last year!
香港大学mba的面试不是case interview 楼上的不要误导
-- by 会员 JFYung (2009/11/6 2:12:26)

I am pretty sure that there is a Case interview for both Part time and Full time  in Hong Kong for HKU MBA. whether that you get exempted, i.e. you are too brilliant or having very strong or special background is your matter but most of the candinates I met will go through the Cases. Please check if there is recent changes.

Unlike a few years before, less and less succeeded B-School candinates is returning to help, there may be some reason.

I only hope that at least in this part of CD, the source of information is reliable, since most of the people reading (mainland China candinates) will represent a great investment for them in terms of time and money.   You also make a decision to come to Hong Kong and give up trying the schools in Beijing, Shanghai and the rest of the World.

Hong Kong is a small territory and it is an open society, which information can not be blocked. And, there ain't a big class in HKU, and we are paying taxes to fund your studies.
-- by 会员 boutique (2009/11/7 21:40:17)
-- by 会员 lovelyqiqi (2009/11/7 23:48:35)

Where is JF?
Not sure whether JF can say what?

If what you said is true, it probably will cause a serious uproar for non-mainland Chinese Students.
Not sure what any relationship can be identified here. Our batch has students with so-diversified background across the globe. We are enjoying our time within and beyond study. We are hanging out, sharing and exploring the world together. So much fun we have.
And when we were enrolled, mainland Chinese and India have NOT involved in Case Interview for The University of Hong Kong's FT MBA last year.

There will be demand for policy changes, similar to charging pregnant mothers to give birth in public hospitals in Hong Kong.
Policy could have been changed. We will double check with MBA office and try to give you an answer. Please allow us time to sort it out.
Personally, I believe that HKU MBA office won't do that silly thing as  you mention Hong Kong is small and we are in the same class everyday.

But I am too slow and stupid to understand the relationship regarding the pregnant mothers...We are all Chinese, we want all to be stable and prosperous.

-- by 会员 boutique (2009/11/8 0:19:06)
发表于 2009-11-8 01:17:15 | 只看该作者
我也是今年在读的,我是5月的时候LAST ROUND, TEL INTERVIEW的

负责招生的CHRIS 和 SACHIN给我电面的, 持续了半个小时左右,问的问题都是有关过去工作经验或者有关为什么你要读MBA这类问题

CASE INTERVIEW根本就没有呀, 至少我问过的同学都没有经过CASE INTERVIEW, 我当时学校发给我通知电话INTERVIEW的邮件还在. 我想大部分人也有保留这个邮件的吧.
发表于 2009-11-8 01:18:24 | 只看该作者
楼上的 香港大学的mba项目用什么手段来录取候选人是mba admission的事情。
either case interview either going through your resume either behavior testing

我是这一届的FTMBA 我在上海面试的时候 确实没有遇见case interview 而且面试很简短氛围很好。
-- by 会员 JFYung (2009/11/8 0:52:09)

So good! You don't need to be so defensive and hide behind the girls. I understand that you have go through a lot of challenges to be in HKU, though it may not be your First Ideal. Once you already in, you are in.

If there is a systemaic problem we may possibly reflect to either HKU or relevant people to improve it. There is no such thing in Hong Kong that you will get no material or psychological reward for discovering any 'incorrectness'. In the mainland, the individual may feel tremendous pride over such things, which is cultural.

Thank you JF. And as you have said. We will find out.
发表于 2009-11-8 01:20:41 | 只看该作者
看到这个稍微补充一下, 呵呵

PT是可以申请交换项目的,我们上DRA TUTORIAL的时候那个TA有讲过.

但是非常难,FT的话可以保证你过去,只要不是复旦项目的话,但是PT的名额很少,要争GPA, 总之会比较辛苦如果想要得到这个机会的话
发表于 2009-11-8 01:21:51 | 只看该作者
part-time 可以申请交换项目么,我对这个比较有兴趣哦。
-- by 会员 gui8387 (2009/10/7 22:00:00)

看到这个稍微补充一下, 呵呵

PT是可以申请交换项目的,我们上DRA TUTORIAL的时候那个TA有讲过.

但是非常难,FT的话可以保证你过去,只要不是复旦项目的话,但是PT的名额很少,要争GPA, 总之会比较辛苦如果想要得到这个机会的话
发表于 2009-11-8 01:37:37 | 只看该作者
answer to lovelyqiqi:
...But I am too slow and stupid to understand the relationship regarding the pregnant mothers...We are all Chinese, we want all to be stable and prosperous. ...

You have no fault. Please do not be too passionate.
It is an policy issue.

Also, relax and take you time to accustom the local culture. It is more than what you have seen in the TV or films.

It is a long way to go if you have an intention to stay on. Is true for any cities in the world. It probrably is a lot easier than New York or London for you.

I hope that you will have a happy year, not only fruitful and fulfilling, but also enriched and horizon broadening, in Hong Kong.
发表于 2009-11-8 01:38:56 | 只看该作者
发表于 2009-11-8 01:40:29 | 只看该作者
我也是今年在读的,我是5月的时候LAST ROUND, TEL INTERVIEW的

负责招生的CHRIS 和 SACHIN给我电面的, 持续了半个小时左右,问的问题都是有关过去工作经验或者有关为什么你要读MBA这类问题

CASE INTERVIEW根本就没有呀, 至少我问过的同学都没有经过CASE INTERVIEW, 我当时学校发给我通知电话INTERVIEW的邮件还在. 我想大部分人也有保留这个邮件的吧.
-- by 会员 sedona11 (2009/11/8 1:17:15)

Thank you. We will see.
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