嘿嘿!!今天刚看了这个题还晕晕的, 看了语法笔记是这么写的, 你看一下
(A) was the only one of the five-nation Iroquois League who sided The Oneida为集合名词,谓语应为复数were;the five-nation Iroquois League是一个整体,核心词就是League,联盟。The only one of the five-nation Iroquois League的核心部分即为the only one of the League。the League本来就是单一的一个组织,所以the only one of the League这种表达不正确、不合理。the only one of the five nations,the only one后面接复数名词,才是正确用法 (B) was alone of the five-nation Iroquois League when they sided alone of的问题,类似上述A选项的the only one (C) alone among the five nations of the Iroquois League sided alone在该句中作副词,强调the Oneida的唯一性 (D) were the only ones out of the five nations of the Iroquois League in siding Only与ones前后单复数不一致 (E) only of the five-nation Iroquois League had sided only of的问题,原因同A选项分析 only作形容词,表示唯一的一个,既然是唯一的一个,后面修饰的名词就不能是复数,否则语义及单复数前后矛盾
[此贴子已经被作者于2009/9/26 17:11:08编辑过] |