I got the response from IMMDHK with regard to the financial statement for your reference. Hope it helps
Regarding your mentioned situation, there is in fact no specific requirement on the amount of applicant's deposit and its period of validity. You may furnish a written explanation and other relevant supporting documents to substantiate your financial standings. Every case will be considered on individual merits.
You may wish to know that in submission of the entry visa for study in HK, applicant should have to name a local sponsor who has to furnish his HK identity card details. The local sponsor agrees to sign an undertaking to support and provide accommodation to the student. In addition, the sponsor is held responsible fro repatriation of the student where necessary. In processing the application, the sponsor is required to produce proofs of financial standing and accommodation for this purpose.
(a) Asian Registered Trainers Society (business organization) (b) China Light & Power (utility) (c) DBS (banking) (d) Hutchison Global Crossing (telecom) (e) OOCL (shipping) (f) Securities and Futures Commission (government) (g) United Network (property)