and 前加逗号OG10里面有道题跟这里一样 主句中其实是有两个平行:be pulled out 与used平行,然后它们与is smooth平行。为了清晰的表达这一意思所以在第一个and前加了“,”。 假如C选项改为:the yellow jacket’s stinger is comparatively smooth and can therefore be pulled out and used again。大家读起来是否觉得很别扭! 我想问的是:B中it指代是否正确;E中allowing是做动作伴随还是结果伴随? 假如作动作伴随,逻辑主语就是yellow jacket,那么it是否就只能指stinger?而且jacket allows stinger to be pulled.....是否合理? 假如是做结果伴随,逻辑合理,指代就肯定是有问题的!
非常同意这个说法 曼哈顿的原话+例子:Do not use a comma before and to separate two verbs that have the same subject. Either eliminate the comma or add a subject to the second verb, creating a second main clause. Wrong: Earl walked to school, AND later ate his lunch. Right: Earl walked to school AND later ate his lunch. Right: Earl walked to school, AND HE later ate his lunch.