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og12 关于since与because的区别

发表于 2009-8-17 15:56:00 | 只看该作者

og12 关于since与because的区别


The Glass House Mountains in Queensland,Australia, were sighted in 1770 by the English navigator Captain James Cook, who so named them supposedly because their sheer wet rocks glistened like glass.


naming them supposedly since their


og的解释是说the preposition since loses the important causal logic of the sentence

我想问的是since在这里做因为是错了吗?为什么说loses the causal logic?

发表于 2009-8-17 16:19:00 | 只看该作者

since clause often come at the beginning of sentences

可以参考in that/because/since/for      (其贴2楼,48楼)

发表于 2009-8-17 16:59:00 | 只看该作者
 楼主| 发表于 2009-8-17 20:49:00 | 只看该作者
以下是引用penglili在2009/8/17 16:19:00的发言:

since clause often come at the beginning of sentences

可以参考in that/because/since/for      (其贴2楼,48楼)


发表于 2009-8-31 04:42:00 | 只看该作者

as, because, since, for, and in that

All four of these words can be used to refer to the reason for something.  They are not used in the same way.

1.  as and since:

As  and  since  are used when the reason is already known to the listener/reader, or when it is not the most important part of the sentence.  
As - and   since - clauses  often come at the beginning of sentences.  

As it's raining again, we'll have to stay at home.
Since he had not paid his bill, his electricity was cut off.

As - and since - clauses  are relatively formal; in an informal style, the same ideas are often expressed with  so.
It's raining again, so  we'll have to stay at home.

2.  because:

Because  puts more emphasis on the reason, and most often introduces
new information which is not known to the listener/reader.
Because I was ill for six months, I lost my job.

When the reason is the most important part of the sentence, the because - clause  usually
comes at the end.  It can also stand alone.  Since and as  cannot be used like this.
Why am I leaving?  I'm leaving because I'm fed up  !   (NOT..... I'm leaving  as/since I'm fed up!)
"Why are you laughing? "    "Because  you look so funny".

because - clause  can be used at the end of a sentence to say how one knows something  .
You didn't tell me the truth, because I found the money in your room.  ( = .... I know because I found....)

3.  for

For  introduces new information, but suggests that the reason is given as an afterthought.  A for - clause could almost be in brackets.  
For - clauses never come at the beginning of sentences, and cannot stand alone   For, used in this sense, is most common in a formal written style.
I decided to stop and have lunch - for I was feeling hungry.

4.   in that

used after a statement to begin to explain in what way it is true
I've been lucky in that  I have never had to worry about money.

[此贴子已经被作者于2009/9/9 21:29:50编辑过]
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