以下是引用flyflyhappy在2009-5-14 0:57:00的发言:很弱的问一下: 究竟什么是句子的逻辑意思?? 请高手解答下 谢谢 总是感觉这东西很抽象。。。 但是又很重要 弱弱地回复一下,上了些老美的课,他们总是非常强调一个Critical Thinking。我搜索了一下: Critical thinking is reasonable, reflective thinking that is focused on deciding what to believe and do."
a critical thinker: 1. Is open-minded and mindful of alternatives(不能死抠语法点) 2. Tries to be well-informed(对各种用法的可能性要尽量掌握) 3. Judges well the credibility of sources (不要轻易相信没有完全根据的语法点) 4. Identifies conclusions, reasons, and assumptions(分清楚句子的逻辑结构,到底是谁是原因,谁是结论,谁是假设。到底是谁导致了谁?关系不能乱套) 5. Judges well the quality of an argument, including the acceptability of its reasons, assumptions, and evidence。(这个适合逻辑用) 6. Can well develop and defend a reasonable position 7. Asks appropriate clarifying questions (句子的意思总是要清晰并合理) 8. Formulates plausible hypotheses; plans experiments well (选择答案前要尝试自己假设正确答案) 9. Defines terms in a way appropriate for the context 10. Draws conclusions when warranted, but with caution(做总结时一定要小心!排除法其实就和排地雷一样。) 11. Integrates all items in this list when deciding what to believe or do (这点很关键!!像在说数学,各各面都要权衡) 听起来也许有些废话,但是如果能够真的吸收,我觉得有些能力对我们语法,阅读和理解,甚至数学都会有帮助。 从以上各位的经验看来,我觉得专攻语法这一前辈们的捷径到咱们这辈(或者某部分人),并不是灵丹妙药了。 到底要怎么准备呢?真的要从分析一篇wsj或者nytimes的文章理解开始吗? Critical Thinking Abilities: Ideal critical thinkers have the ability to
1. Focus on a question (找出问题就像找出病因一样关键) a. Identify or formulate a question (识别问题或者提出问题的能力) b. Identify or formulate criteria for judging possible answers(识别或者提出答案的标准,评估可能答案) c. Keep the situation in mind (这个很有意思,是不是说总要有提出问题的准备?)
2. Analyze arguments (找到病因当然要分析下) a. Identify conclusions (先看看结果,也就是到底是什么病,出了什么事) b. Identify stated reasons (分析出来哪些是已经提到的原因) c. Identify unstated reasons (哪些没有提到?) d. Identify and handle irrelevance (哪些是无关的) e. See the structure of an argument (是用什么样的方式说得? ) f. Summarize (总结下)
3. Ask and answer questions of clarification and/or challenge, such as, (十万个为什么不是没有道理的) a. Why? b. What is your main point? c. What do you mean by…? d. What would be an example? e. What would not be an example (though close to being one)? f. How does that apply to this case (describe a case, which might well appear to be a counter example)? g. What difference does it make? h. What are the facts? i. Is this what you are saying: ____________? j. Would you say some more about that?
[此贴子已经被作者于2009-5-14 3:34:53编辑过] |