actually I have see a lot of chinese "NiuRen" ever try to apply for the "NiuXiao".By my last 5 years work experience, I think I should not be called as "young" and I have made a very serious analysis to determind what kind of university I am suitable and possibly I could get the opportunity. Also I do believe a lot of person to apply for MBA program just want to goldify themselves and change the rank.But as u know ,the currenct marketing situation is not so opmistic, and even a lot of super talented students graduated from "NiuXiao" as u mentioned just now, like standford,so I am still wanting to check with you whether you could confirm all the graduates have found the job.I could have a good job with bright future in my relative's company.And also I think in amreican person are very realistic.If you are not competitive ,why your relatives should give u this opportunity. Anyway, without such consideration, I would not like to take MBA program for just the simple reasons like: I want to study some business sense.-You could learn it by your experience. I want to make friends and expand my social relationship.-I would say if you havent gotta enuf social status, how could u gain respects from others and to be ur friends. I want to change the rank.-Are u sure, even the native american cant find a job ,why you are supposed to get a job from the tough labor market...
[此贴子已经被作者于2009-6-11 8:34:25编辑过] |