I think Yale has been quite smart about its admission and marketing strategy. Reading the detailed breakdown, you will see, most of the score increase comes from higher GMAT, UG GPA, lower acceptance rate and a relatively high placement rate 3 months after graduation. Here is how I believe helped Yale. -Smaller class, which translates to a very low acceptance rate and a higher placement rate that's a bit easier to achieve than larger scale schools (think about a 92% placement rate for a class of 1000 versus a 95% placement rate for a class of 180.) -Emphasis on higher GMAT scores and undergrad GPA (25% total weighting in the ranking). If such strategy succeeds, it's ranking on US news would improve quite a bit over the years, which would help its yield and thus its ranking on Business Week. This means, for us applicants, if we are applying for Yale, a higher GMAT and undergrad GPA can help a lot more than how much the scores helps out other top school applications. Good luck everyone!!!
[此贴子已经被作者于2009-4-24 22:22:57编辑过] |