我是一个写作非N,而且我申请的学校对AWA没有要求,自定目标4分,所以复习时就自由散漫了。结果今天拿到成绩居然拿到5,我很欣慰。 现在分享一下我在准备awa是总结的一些高频词汇, 心往能够抛砖引玉,对各位筒子们有所帮助 P1 Indispensable Undeniably Inevitably consequently Apparently tremendous imposing evidently informative validity credibility precise on balance admittedly persuasive conspicuously entirely undoubtedly
P2 Moreover nevertheless Ultimately by the same token in light of Constitute sufficient evidence Given the matters discussed above This argument is not persuasive as it stands xx is unsounded to establish a general conclusion it is judicious to admit point of the issue even though such point may suffer from some explicit shortcoming P3 Erroneous merely overwhelming superficial omit nullify overstate drawback gratuitous neglect lose sight of skeptical exaggerate fallacy, fallacious coincide vague imcompatible unwarranted dissimilarity P4 justify, justification demonstrate indicate buttress outweigh allege endorse substantiate causality, causal relationship