最近Ms Harris有发来关于ESSEC MBA的奨学金情報 *(分享下) 1. Before admission into one of the ESSEC programs 1.1 Scholarships from the French cultural services 1.2 Scholarships from the “Agence Universitaire de la Francophonie” 2. After admission into one of the ESSEC programs 2.1 Eiffel Scholarships 2.2 Company Scholarships 2.3 ESSEC Social Scholarships 2.4 Mobility Scholarships 2.5 European Community Schemes 2.6 Scholarships and Funds in Europe 2.7 Scholarships and Funds in Australia, Asia and Africa 2.8 Scholarships and Funds in America 2.9 Other scholarships and funds 简单问了一下,说是2.1Eiffel的截止日期是10月份 我是申请的2010年入学IMHI, 请教各位学长学姐,入学前的申请哪种奖学金比较现实?(比较挑战吖,呜呜 虽然学费不是很贵,不过都21了,再管家里要那么多钱念书。。。挺惭愧的呢 明知奖学金不好拿,也要试试呀O(∩_∩)O) |