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[校友答疑] Ask Jason@沃顿 (closed)

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发表于 2009-6-7 17:53:00 | 只看该作者


Thank you so much for quick and useful response.

GMAT: Math 85%/Verbal85%

The reason I want to try R1 is that I think that my unique essay (I'm sure I will make it unique) would stand out when adcom are tired of reading a lot of essays although I have some poor aspects. I'm concerned that during R2 they will have no interest in candidates like me who are not strong in score because they have read a lot of excellent essays and experiences.

But I think you are changing my mind.

Thanks a lot again.

发表于 2009-6-7 21:49:00 | 只看该作者
What's the benefit to you during the study in Wharton? Could you please give me several examples?
[此贴子已经被作者于2009-6-7 21:52:17编辑过]
 楼主| 发表于 2009-6-8 11:31:00 | 只看该作者
wnlovess> As you can imagine, everyone who applies thinks that their essays are unique and interesting. In fact, while many people *do* have interesting stories to tell, many people do not actually do so very well. This is the difference between a professional writer (for instance a reporter or author) and ordinary writers like you and I- we frequently don't do a very good job communicating what could well be an interesting story in the first place.

And when you think about what defines an applicant, the 'story' is the most important. Even with 'clearer' numbers like the GMAT or GPA, what adcom are looking for are insights. For instance, a high GMAT but low GPA hints at you being "smart but lazy". There is no cutoff because unlike a 高考, the school will not decide say, let's take the 780 GMAT guy over the 770 GMAT guy. Instead, the school will likely look at both guys, and think 'OK, their GMAT is high enough. I believe they're smart enough. Now, do they have the maturity, the leadership skills, the professional capability, the ability to influence, etc etc that we look for in all business school students?" They then turn to your recommendation, essays, background (what you did before) for this. Indeed, one might argue that what is then most important is not to be 'UNIQUE' per se (after all, everyone is unique, because there is no one like you), but to show that you have these qualities.

Just to give you some context, I took about 30-50 hours to write each essay. I had two extra Lauder essays, so that's about 180-300 hours for Wharton's essays alone- and this even though I am a native English speaker. In contrast I spent only about two weeks (studying on and off) on the GMAT. Certainly less than 50 hours total. So I would recommend that you not worry about your GMAT/GPA (although again, TOEFL is a concern because you are scoring much lower than the cutoff for Wharton's peer schools, like HBS) and instead spend more time on your essays.

And as for R1 VS R2, one thing to note is that the strongest applicants tend to apply in R1. A very high % of reapplicants, who have strong reworked essays, apply in R1, as do those that have spent a long time on their applications. So your competition there might be even stronger. R2 tends to attract more 'last minute' applicants, or applicants for whom Wharton is not the first choice (and who had hence spent their time applying for other schools in R1).

But really, all this is unimportant for one simple fact: adcom is not comparing merely R1 vs R1 and R2 vs R2. Many adcom members have been reading essays
for decades. During that time, assuming they read about 1000
applications per year (8 members of adcom, and 8000 apps in total),
that's something like >10,000 applications they would have seen in their
professional life. What they're comparing you to is not the other
applicants in that round, but to all the applications they have
read. It is highly unlikely you can be 'unique' among >10,000. Indeed, ensuring that there is no difference between R1 and R2 is exactly the point of the wait-list. If adcom had any concern about you at all, they simply wait-list you. Then, there would be no difference to you having applied
in R2 instead.

Good luck, hope this helps!

 楼主| 发表于 2009-6-8 11:35:00 | 只看该作者
jason8511> there is a tonne of information available on the web, on both Wharton's website and also on other sites. What you get out of Wharton really depends on what you're looking to get from the experience. There is the strong alumni network, the excellent academics, the extracurricular activities (Wharton has probably the most clubs of any school), the co-production model that lets you do your part to contribute to a world-leading business school, the stellar brand name. The one limiting factor is time. What you choose to spend your time doing (networking? studying for classes? training your 'soft skills' like leadership in clubs? finding your perfect job?) will defines your Wharton experience (and hence what you get out of it).

Hope this helps. It would be much easier to provide me answers to you if you told me exactly what you were looking for in a business school experience. In my experience it really varies widely, depending on one's background, goals, and so on.

发表于 2009-6-9 14:06:00 | 只看该作者

HI Jason,有事想请教你,收到我发的信息了吗?

发表于 2009-6-11 19:10:00 | 只看该作者
Hi Jason,


之前我的帖子和Jason的回复在 里面有我的情况和疑问,以下是进一步的问题。


MPA 还是读了MBA之后,再读MPA



 楼主| 发表于 2009-6-14 18:48:00 | 只看该作者
star_tu> The CFA, CPA and so on are not necessarily nor useful for admission into a business school. Like you, many people come to business school exactly to learn about business, having no background. Hence the CFA/CPA/etc will give you no advantage other than to let someone know that you've learnt this before, and aren't going to be learning this again at business school.

You can do the MBA and MPA concurrently (eg. one year of MBA, one year of MPA, then one year of MBA again), or do them separately, one first then the other. It doesn't matter.

As for what you can 'do', I suggest you talk to people working in the consulting industry. Tell them about your background, then let them know about your plans, and ask them whether it makes sense. Does it make sense that a former reporter has certain skills, lacks other skills, and wants to go to business school to acquire them? Ask them directly- they will know about how what you learn at business school fits in with the job that they do. If they think this makes sense, then I think the admissions committee would also definitely 'buy' this argument. As with most things, though, it's the details (eg. what exactly do you learn at business school, what else must you do eg. clubs, etc that will help you in your career goal?)

The other thing also is to think about your long term career goal. What do you see yourself doing in twenty years?

Good luck!

发表于 2009-6-14 23:37:00 | 只看该作者

Hi, Jason,

Does Wharton has any preference on the age of the applicants? I think i will be considered one of the "oldies" because i have over 10 years work experience. While i am seriously considering applying for wharton mba, i was wondering if age would be a potential issue or would it impact negatively on my application? Thanks.

 楼主| 发表于 2009-6-15 01:09:00 | 只看该作者
liangtyro> No, there is no preference for age, although an applicant with more work experience may want to think about the EMBA, if that fits his/her goals better.
发表于 2009-6-16 08:45:00 | 只看该作者
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