以下是引用icechan0821在2009-3-2 16:51:00的发言:学姐你好~ 请问下 1simon的offer上写的 final transcript 是包括THESIS 和 实习在内的吗? 也是需要教务处盖章 中英各一份 然后信封处封口? 2 需要到毕业证 学位证过去吗?若带 ,需要将其翻译成英文并公证吗?还是盖章就行~? 谢谢学姐~ 1. final transcript refers to the complete official academic record of your undergrad, you don't need to bring your thesis or certification of internship the final transcript needs to be sealed 2. you need to bring your diploma and certification of graduation, English version is needed I suggest you sending an email to admission office to confirm, since my memory might not serve well or the requirement might has changed |