I still don't have the final decision. But here, money is another big concern. If I chose UW instead of Purdue, We would difinitely save a lot of money in terms of tuition and moving expense. At the same time, my husband would take care the family if I were too busy at the very beginning. But, .....
The UW one is MBA, so basically it is a final professional degree. If you go for a Master in Purdue, you can pursue a top MBA later. Depends on if this factor matters to you and whether you will still have passoin for MBA and whether age allows.
Personally, I don't think you will learn as much from a Mater program as from MBA. But careerwise, I don't think a degree from a soso MBA will do much more than a Master's Degree.
If I were u, I go to UW. The reputation of both schools are similar to some extent. But Purdue is located in a very boring countryside. By the way, being a HR will be very hard for Chinese due to cultural gap. Why do you want to spend more money and get more trouble by moving to mid-average school?
being an HR professional is almays my dream and I probably will go back to china a couple of years after graduation.
The Master in Purdue is also a part of MBA program though they have different names. Actually, during about 1/3 courses are learned toghter with the MBA student.