Hi wyxgeorge,
Thanks for your comment. I agree your opinion. We should choose a business school that suits our interest and career goal best. In your post, you mention a "supportive learning team". Could you explain how the Queen's learning leams support their members? I mean, what is the huge differece between Queen's team and other programs' team regarding to the "Supportive" issues.
Thanks a lot.
以下是引用wyxgeorge在2004-2-7 7:39:00的发言: To albert: When I tried to choose a business school, I not only cared about its reputaion,ranking and location, but also investigated its focus and learning style. I wanted to make sure I would get what I want in an effective way. I have a science background and have been working in hi-tech industry for years, and I hope to continue to work in this area so I chose Queen's. Additionally, I thought the supportive learning team would be very helpful in improving my language skills and learning about other culture. While York, Ivey, Rotman, and Queen's are all top business schools in Canada, they are so different that you might make a wrong decision if you don't really know about these schools. You will know which one is best for you only if you visit those schools and talk to students. I wouldn't comment on these schools because I don't want to offend anyone here.
[此贴子已经被作者于2004-2-7 14:39:14编辑过] |