以下是引用jielimi在2008-12-14 1:43:00的发言: by the way, GA means you will be paied as a graduate assistant. At the same time, your tuition will be paid at In-state rate (usually half as that of non-state residents or international students), and there will be about at least 9 or 10 credits tution waiver each semester. That means if you take 15 credits each semester, you will need to pay for 5 credits yourself as in-state rates. Plus your 8000 scolarship and the salary from GA, you almost do not need to pay anything for your tuituion and living cost. Maybe you can even have a little bit left. hoho.
谢谢Jielimi啊! You're really an expert! 这些信息在学校的网站都没有体现啊.真的是这样就太好了, 因为GA每周要做10个小时,我还担心学习呢! 另外, 我一直以为in-state tuition是10000多刀/年, 照你这么说,由于免修部分学分,实际不用付那么多了? 这样8000的奖学金完全可以cover掉in-state tuition的部分了? (我原来设想自己还要贴5000多刀/年) 请再赐教下. 谢谢! |