Once the economic and social usefulness of the motor car was demonstrated and with its superiority to the horse being proved, much of the early hostility to it in rural regions disappeared. a. and with its superiority to the horse being b. and its superiority over the horse had been c. and its superiority to the horse d its supriority over the horse e. with its superiority to the horse having been
白勇给出答案是 B 我觉得应该是C B 的HAD BEEN 时态不对 白勇给出C 错误在于 AND 连接 ONCE 从句和名词短语its superiority两者形式不对称。但是我觉得C不是名词短语, proved 之前只是省略了BE 动词WAS 不知道大家意见如何
[此贴子已经被作者于2008-12-4 0:56:56编辑过] |