我不是NN,但几个臭皮匠弄一下,应该也不差吧。我刚开始看的时候也找不出来,后来想了下,觉得这几个可能是问题 1.those who manage the plants must be aware of the specific amount and types of damage caused by each of their various manufacturing processes。 是不是每一步都造成大量的危害 2.the federal government should require every corporation to produce detailed annual reports on the environmental impact of their manufacturing process 文中不是只说了一些公司吗?不使用这些设备的公司需不需要写详细的报告呢? 3.and the government should impose stiff financial penalties for failure to produce these reports. 政府把责任全推为公司责任,但环境的问题是大家一起来承担的。结合观点2,是不是按照这个详细报告做下去,环境问题就会得到解决? 还有就是 我觉得这个也有问题。few corporations have enough financial incentive to monitor this information 难道要用多钱?没有足够理由,no evidence to support。 我的观点。嘿嘿。大家一起讨论。祝LZ好运,也希望祝我好运,呵呵。 还剩20天了。作文没怎么进步。苦恼 |