借本帖宝地问个关于不定式的问题 70. Faced with an estimated$2 billion budget gap,the city's mayor proposed a nearly 17 percent reduction in the amount allocated the previous year to maintain the city’s major cultural institutions and to subsidize hundreds of local arts groups. (A) proposed a nearly 17 percent reduction in the amount allocated the previous year to maintain the city's major cultural institutions and to subsidize (B) proposed a reduction from the previous year of nearly 17 percent in the amount it was allocating to maintain the city,S major cultural institutions and for subsidizing (C) proposed to reduce,by nearly 17 percent,the amount from the previous year that was allocated for the maintenance of the city’s major cultural institutions and to subsidize (D) has proposed a reduction from the previous year of nearly 17 percent of the amount it was allocating for maintaining the city’s major cultural institutions.and to subsidize (E) was proposing that the amount they were allocating be reduced by nearly 17 percent from the previous year for maintaining the city's major cultural institutions and for the subsidization Parallelism + Grammar The original sentence contains no errors.Each alternative introduces an error or adds unnecessary words.The sentence must use parallel construction to maintain and to subsidize to show clearly the two areas where the 1 7 percent reduction in funds will be applied.In addition,the 1 7 percent reduction should be closely followed by the amount allocated the previon year to clarify what is being reduced by 1 7 percent. A Correct.The sentence uses parallel construction and a well-placed modifier. B To maintain and subsidizing are not parallel;imprecise,with unclear antecedent for it. C For the maintenance and to subsidize are not parallel;wordy. D For maintaining and to subsidize are not parallel;unclear whether only one budget is being reduce to subsidize the other activity;imprecise,with unclear antecedent for it. E Maintaining and the subsidization are not parallel; unclear whether one activity's budget is being reduced to maintain or subsidize the other activity imprecise.with unclear antecedent for they. The correct answer is A. 这题的A选项虽然是最平行的,可是读过一边马上就能感觉到不定式的修饰有歧义。to maintain 。。 and to subsidize 。。会被误认为修饰allocated,变成“削减的是去年allocated to maintain 。。 and to subsidize 。。的那部分资金,而不是修饰谓语proposed。 虽然E不平行,但好像for不会有这样的修饰一起嘛??请斑斑指点一下
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