以下是引用nanwang001在2008/11/26 21:46:00的发言:我明年才本科毕业,所以估计这个版里的都是我前辈啦~在此先谢过啦~ 我也算是名校毕业的吧,GPA,G,T啊都考过了,都还不错,本来准备出国读会计master的~但是遭遇今年形势不好,我想出去之后也很可能不能留在美国工作,赚不回来投资,所以就动摇了~ 现在有四大的工作offer,所以我想是不是暂缓一下,工作四五年之后碰到瓶颈再出去读mba~ 其实我本科就是工商管理的,我也特别热爱这个学科,但是我性格不够强硬,可能不适合做领导者,但是我喜欢为别人排忧解难,哈哈,所以我的career goal就是想做个咨询~~所以我的计划就是曲线救国,big 4--mba--consulting~ 所以综上所述呢,我的问题就是,我如果有四五年四大的工作经验,再好好重考一下g,t,如果成绩够好,四大的背景能去top10的商学院吗?因为我看版里很多都是实业类,或者金融投资类的~ 谢谢啦~~ Given the strenuous work nature, are you sure that you can stay in Big4 for 4 or 5 years? Are you sure that the big4 now or in the future is as good as the big4 ten years ago. (In China) Well, there are many uncertainties around. So I suggest that you make your goal to be short-term like 1 or 2 years. You can go to work for the Big4, then you will be able to figure out if you like the life there. You are a girl, aren't you? You should also give weight to marrrying someone and having a family and kids at your best age. (At least, this is important to me.) |