以下是引用myf1在2008-11-13 2:16:00的发言: 天,都这么做广告了。
圣加伦总是说自己是最好的(德语区)。 和IMD相比,还是差得远吧。
HI, myf1, you meant to compare MBA-HSG with IMD? First, HSG as a whole is the best in German speaking areas, that's accepted very well.I am assuring you. Secondly, MBA-HSG is very young, so it will appear in FT ranking only after 2010. We are different from IMD, but this doesn't mean we are as weak as you mentioned...The fact is, we are not weak at all. If you were a participant of IMD or MBA-HSG, your comments may have some credits, but I doubt it. If you compare the salary level upon graduation, you may find no such big difference as you imagined:
IMD:Average $ 129,000; http://www.imd.ch/programs/mba/admissions/upload/Class%20and%20placement%20overview.pdf
MBA-HSG: Average over CHF 120,000; http://www.mba.unisg.ch/org/es/mba.nsf/wwwContentEng/Placement+Report+2007?opendocument
The reports are both for class 2007.
Yes, CHF and US$ are different, 1US$=CHF1.18, but IT IS THAT DIFFERENT as you suggested? What's more, here I would shed some lights on why some of participants of my class refused IMD but came here:
换一个角度,我曾经看过一个IMD在读同学的帖子说,每天学习15个小时,每天能睡5个小时都是奢侈。并不是每一个Senior manager都愿意选择这样的MBA生活。
Again, following is a dicussion on businessweek's MBA forum. Many people compared MBA-HSG with IMD, but a declaration like you made is very unusual, given the fact that the discussion is pondered by people from all over the world.
Good luck! http://forums.businessweek.com/n/pfx/forum.aspx?tsn=177&nav=messages&webtag=bw-bschools&tid=73646 page 19: As for IMD there are a few reasons, 1.) It's much more expensive, 2.) It's a larger program and you don't get as much individual attention (100 students vs 40), 3.) It is in the french speaking part of Switzerland rather than the German speaking park. 3 may or may not be important to you but most of the job opportunities in the German speaking part of Switzerland (the French part is very small) plus you have Austria and Germany as well. From what I know German, Austrian and Swiss companies prefer St. Gallen but IMD has more of an international reputation. St. Gallen will probably have a similar reputation after 2010 when they come out on the financial times rankings - they are not yet listed because the program is new. Swiss, Germans and Austrians view St. Gallen as the Americans view Harvard and Wharton.
I applied to LBS, Insead, IESE, Esade, Instituto De Impressa, INSEAD, IMD and SDA Bocconi. In the end I chose St. Gallen because of the price, the individual attention you get in such a small program (there at least 8 staff members specifically just to support the 43 in addition to the regular faculty and campus wide career services, this does not include our professors) and the fact that you can complete the program in 12 months as compared to 15 - 24 months for many of the other programs.
[此贴子已经被作者于2008-11-13 17:54:51编辑过] |