只有 assist sb in doing/ with sth,没有 assist sb to do !! Do not say 'assist someone to do something'. Say assist someone with something or assist someone in doing something.---------- from LDOCEonline http://www.ldoceonline.com/dictionary/assist_1 5 楼解释很清楚,those 只能指代 species,但是代入之后出现逻辑错误,所以选 others
搞懂了,先说那个"those of",没错, those 指代specis, distinguish their own species from species of others. 再说assist,to do 和in doing 都没错,但要句子的逻辑意思,“taste the hydrocarbons on prospective mates”作fly定语的,所以D会给人造成误解为assist fly to taste(do)...to distinguish(目的状语)...,好吧,退一步讲,to do 可以做定语,但也没that好。