这两天看了几乎PSU所有的网站信息,我也是在家上不去,公司可以看到。 问题1:请问,如果我全力只申请PSU一所是否可以?如果学校问我还申请了哪几所,我没有筹码,会不会被学校占了全部的先机?因为看下来就是PSU最NICE,从学校的spirit到给的奖,都很好。其他能给出全奖的学校目前还不是很熟悉哈。 问题2:网站上有说We request that the Application for Visa Document, the Financial Certification Form, and the Financial Guarantee Documents be submitted at the time of the application. However, we understand that gathering the Financial Guarantee can be time consuming and that it is not always possible for students to do so in advance. We will work with you if you submit these items after your application. 是不是其实可以先不管这条把整个package提交了再说? 问题3: 费用那边有个表。我这就不列示了,我加总了下。除了学费,还要$23,492。 另外的信息Funded by alumni and friends of Penn State to attract outstanding students, these one-time awards typically range from $5,000 to $12,000 In return, students receive a 100 percent waiver of tuition, subsidized health insurance, and a stipend of approximately $6,000/academic year. 看了以上资料。我想问:如果拿到了GA,那么除去tuition之外的$23,492,是不是扣除第一年的6000,还是要自己负担$17,492?这个太关键了!!! 谢谢拉。
[此贴子已经被作者于2008-9-23 15:39:24编辑过] |