5. In the 1980's the rate of increase of the minority population of the United States was nearly twice as fast as the 1970's. B---》C (A) twice as fast as (B) twice as fast as it was in (C) twice what it was in (D) two times faster than that of (E) two times greater than自由的疑问:B错在哪里呢?谢谢
5. In the 1980's the rate of increase of the minority population of the United States was nearly twice as fast as the 1970's. B---》C (A) twice as fast as (B) twice as fast as it was in (C) twice what it was in (D) two times faster than that of (E) two times greater than自由的疑问:B错在哪里呢?谢谢
A: the rate was twice as fast as the 1970's. rate: 1970 B: the rate was twice as fast as it was the 1970's. rate: clause (C) the rate was twice what it was in the 1970's. rate: what(=rate that in 1970) (D) the rate was two times faster than that of the 1970's. rate: rate of 1970 (fast) (E) the rate was two times greater than the 1970's. rate: 1970 (greater)