背景:我是8月19号一战,作文心里很没有底。 今天才开始复习作文,练的这篇文章。 因为模板写的是无论如何都中立,所以有些题目下可能不好用的 请大家给看看哦 拜过谢过拉 77. Although “genius” is difficult to define, one of the qualities of genius is the ability to transcend traditional modes of thought and create new ones.
The sentence above demonstrates that the ability to transcend traditional modes of thought and create new ones is one of the qualities of genius,when genius is a kind of people who is hard to define.To some extent,I agree with the author’s general assertion.However,the author unnecessarily extend this broad assertion to an irreversible extreme while overlooks that some people may be really special in some areas although they do not have the ability to creative new modes.On balance,my points of agreement and contention with the author involve fundamental and deep analysis as discussed below.
On the one hand,I would like to admit that this statement,although suffers from some obvious drawbacks,has some merits primarily in some apecial cases in which the implict rationale behind it accords to common sense and our experience in daily life.First,in our daily life, some people who are creative in their own area are always more considered by others since human-beings’ attentions usually go with the new things which do not appear before.Second,since new modes could be useful to the development of both the society and the nation,the talent who is good at creating may mean specially to the area in which triditional modes have made it difficult to develop.Hence,the assertion that creation is one of the qualities of genius is partially indisputable.
On the other hand,recognizing that a more applicable incorporation needs different aspects as sufficient as possible,I have to point out that the author overstates the comparative significance of creation and fail to take into account other essential factors.In short,this assertion is problematic in some aspects.One argument is that some talents are good at triditional things and do not have the ability to creat new modes.Since,one of my friend is a genius who can play piano so well that everyone who has listen to the voice she played with piano would admit that she was born to play it.In this situation,when a person do pretty good in a field,then although he have not creat new things,people will considered him to be a genius.
In conclusion,this issue is a complex one,requaring subjective judgment,consequently,there is no easy or certain answers. So different are the personal experiences and emotional concerns among people with diverse culture that thousand individuals might hold thousand opinions. According to me, I agree with the author’s general assertion,however,at the same time want to point out that some people may be really special in some areas although they do not have the ability to creative new modes.
[此贴子已经被作者于2008-8-10 14:30:50编辑过] |