以下是引用Snazzy在2004-1-31 23:29:00的发言: hi, turtle, u r so funny ~~~~ i like the title you awarded urself ... ;-))))) thanks for your good stuff. i have tried m-w online dictionary, but not complete. is Longman better? how can it be downloaded? i failed in the attempt. thanks...
Hello Snazzy, Frankly speaking, I seldom use longman or MW. I prefer Dr.eye because it provides not only word meanings but also grammar and usage dictionary. And in most of the time, Cmabridge on-line dic. is enough for what I need.
It seems you have to install virtual drive first for the installation. I am not familiar with this. If anyone knows, please help to advise us. Thanks in advance!![](/static/legacy-emoticon/Dvbbs/em11.gif)
[此贴子已经被作者于2004-2-2 4:23:10编辑过] |