以下是引用turtlechen在2004-1-13 8:26:00的发言:我见您对连接词得使用粉有兴趣,这里有篇文章给您参考:
http://www.cybertranslator.idv.tw/grammar/conjunctions.htm 连接词Conjunctions
对等连接词(Coordinating Conjunctions)
and、but 等小而美的连接词都是对等连接词:
and but or yet for nor so
记住:这些连接词都少于四个英文字母。注意:then 和 now 都不是对等连接词,所以我们所谈论的对等连接词在句子中的角色及标点符号都不适用于这两个字。
当一个对等连接词连接两个独立子句时,它通常 (但并非总是)用一个逗点分开:Ulysses wants to play for UConn, but he has had trouble meeting the academic requirements.
Ulysses has a great jump shot but he isn't quick on his feet.
在一系列项目中,若仅最后一个项目使用 and 来连接,则 and 前面的逗点也是正确的,不过许多写作者 (尤其是报纸)会省略最后这个逗点:
Ulysses spent his summer studying basic math, writing, and reading comprehension.
Presbyterians and Methodists and Baptists are the prevalent Protestant congregations in Oklahoma.
请参考逗点的使用规则来获得进一步的协助。逗点也跟 but 连用来表达一项对比:
This is a useful rule, but difficult to remember.
Hemingway and Fitzgerald are among the American expatriates of the between-the-wars era.
Hemingway was renowned for his clear style and his insights into American notions of male identity.
It is hard to say whether Hemingway or Fitzgerald is the more interesting cultural icon of his day.
在对等连接词中,最常见的当然是 and, but, 和 or。研究和探讨这三个小而美的连接词的用法对你在了解连接词上会有很大的帮助。下面的例句只能阐述这些连接词的一部份意思而已。
a. 表示某个观念与另一个观念的时间 (前后) 顺序:"Tashonda sent in her applications and waited by the phone for a response."
b. 表示某个观念是另一个观念的结果:"Michael heard the weather report and promptly boarded up his house."
c. 表示某个观念与另一个观念成对比 (在这种用法中通常以 but 来取代):"Juanita is brilliant and Shalimar has a pleasant personality.
d. 表示一种错愕,意外的相反意思 (在这种用法中有时以 yet 来取代):"Hartford is a rich city and suffers from many symptoms of urban blight."
e. 表示某个子句附属于另一个子句 (第一个子句通常是祈使句):"Use your credit cards frequently and you'll soon find yourself deep in debt."
这是一种含有假设意思的用法,上面的句子等于 "If you use your credit cards frequently, and...."
f. 表示一种对第一个子句的「评论、发表意见」:"Charlie became addicted to gambling -- and that surprised no one who knew him."
多谢turtlechen GG.
[此贴子已经被作者于2004-1-13 10:50:13编辑过]