Mr Fucking Sd It is with some pleasure to reply to you. I will type Chinese when I could coz I don't read this kind of discussions at home.This is for fun when I have a moment out of the valuation models. But if you are really shit in English, you will find others' shit as well. And it is evident that you just learned these fucking words in French and poured them out once. Thank you, I understand what you say, and you don't have to show up like that. "C'est putain de niveau 0 comme mots grossiers" You know these so called professors but do they know you? Can you distinguish the difference between "being acquainted with" and "know"? It is rather you that are like a fucking fantasy man and believe yourself superior to others. MBA and MS are nothing but you are the best. "Prepa" is tough but have you experienced it as the remaing 40%? I really don't think so Whether you are in grande ecole or not is no more important. Work out what you gonna do upon graduation.I hope you are not preparing your baggage to go back home or have to accept a job with 40k's annual pay level When you are on top of the world, then you can return to shout again. However, you will never have the chance By the way, check in dictionary what tiny means and how to use simplified structure in English.
[此贴子已经被作者于2008-9-27 3:47:53编辑过] |