有一道语法题的答案是problems in the management of water and other resources还有一个选项是problems of water and other resoure management白勇说这个选项有歧义,可是我觉得正确答案也有歧义可以理解为problems in the management of water和other resources或者是problems( in the management of water and other resources),大家觉得呢
很显然, other resources是与water并列的, 而不能跟management并列, 因为water本身就是一种resource. 如果resources不加other, 倒有可能将其与management并列, 但是,这里的歧义已经被other消除了. 再退一步说, 即使other resources要与management并列, 必须这样用才没有问题: problems in the management of water and in other resources. (这里的介词in是必须加的, 否则就无法表达出这种并列)