“It is a popular myth that consumers are really benefiting from advances in agricultural technology. Granted—consumers are, on the average, spending a decreasing proportion of their income on food. But consider that the demand for food does not rise in proportion with real income. As real income rises, therefore, consumers can be expected to spend a decreasing proportion of their income on food. Yet agricultural technology is credited with having made our lives better.”
1,它说consumers are, on the average, spending a decreasing proportion of their income on food,这个应该是INSUFFICENT SAMPLE, 题目并没有足够的样本来说明CONSUMERS 花越来越少的钱在食物上
1、花在食物上的钱比例减少了,并不等于花在食物上的钱绝对值少了。实际上是赚的多了,文中也提“demand for food does not rise in proportion with real income”说明农产品价格还是涨了,所以农业技术并没有减轻我们在花在食物上的钱的负担。还有相当部分的人没有解决温饱问题嘛。
But consider that the demand for food does not rise in proportion with real income. As real income rises, therefore, consumers can be expected to spend a decreasing proportion of their income on food.
1 The author unfairly assumes that the real income rises
2 The argument rests on a gratuitous assumption that the demand for food does not rise in proportion with real income.
3 The demand for food can not be equal to the requirement of food quality.