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发表于 2003-5-11 06:47:00 | 只看该作者
以下是引用tian在2003-5-9 11:14:00的发言:

ljz兄,你同意这个结论么,我现在也面临这个选择,到底是出国读mba,还是跳槽,我目前比较倾向于跳槽。一个猎头提供了一个我很感兴趣的职位,但需要relocate。目前主要是对学校不满意,u of washington,对我没有太大诱惑力。但是按照tiger兄的理论,我似乎又该满足了。犹豫中

It still depends. For example, are you planning to come back after your graduation? which industry do you plan to work in, as chipmunk bro. said? Is the program in U of Washington a good fit for your interests? Other reasons why you would like to go for a MBA? If you plan to come back and you do not need a MBA to get promotion, I don't think u of Washington is good choice.

Even if you are not doing well in your current position, which I believe is not the case, I still believe you need to think twice before heading to a soso school since it costs you a lot, not only money, but also time, energy, and opportunities.

Just my 2cents.
发表于 2003-5-12 11:20:00 | 只看该作者
如果你是个外资打杂的, 收入比一般人好一些, 但是没有到月薪上人民币1万多的。我觉得top30甚至top50都能保证社会地位不下降

我就是FUNNY TIGER说的这样的人,不过我觉得TOP50-TOP30的学校读完后对自己不一定有太大的帮助。毕竟现在海龟太多。。。TOP30的毕业生不一定能让人对你产生足够的兴趣。
 楼主| 发表于 2003-5-12 11:41:00 | 只看该作者
是啊, 但是已经能保证外资打杂的工作了, 所以我说不下降, 你要想更上一层楼的话, 只能冲更高的学校了
发表于 2003-5-12 17:04:00 | 只看该作者

如果你是个外资打杂的, 收入比一般人好一些, 但是没有到月薪上人民币1万多的。我觉得top30甚至top50都能保证社会地位不下降

我是这两种人的结合体,不过野心还是有一点,希望至少是个TOP 25吧。毕竟目前竞争太过激烈,除非去名校,否则在目前的职位上一直做也许2-3年后不比海龟“混”的差。
发表于 2003-5-13 01:33:00 | 只看该作者
以下是引用tsljz在2003-5-11 6:41:00的发言:
How is the situation in China? MC and IB don't require MBA? I guess in MC it depends on your position. If you are targeting consultant or associate consultant, I think MBA is still necessary. If you are targeting some kind of specialist, you don't have to, I guess.

chipmunk bro., could you explain a little bit about the situation in IB?

Sorry, tsljz bro, I can't comment more on IB since I haven't been in that industry. I remember baobaobear said that in her post that there is not much advantage in Chinese IB firm for a MBA.
发表于 2003-5-13 09:57:00 | 只看该作者
我不认为TOP10,20或TOP50 是一个标准
发表于 2003-5-13 16:13:00 | 只看该作者
COfein, 我想说说我的意见。我觉得一个人混的怎么样应该看自己有什么样的机会。你去了TOP10,当然你的机会就多多了。
 楼主| 发表于 2003-5-14 00:58:00 | 只看该作者

成功当然是靠以后努力阿, Harvard也不能保证你成功, 但是你要知道, 这个问题本身也是机率问题, 跟你碰到的人, 接触到的事有关

在名校里, 你要组织一个会, 找些社会名流来认识认识, 他们都愿意跟你交往, 在差一点的学校, 他们就不愿意花这个时间了。

可见就象买六合彩一样, 你当然希望去买赔率高的彩票了
发表于 2003-5-14 09:50:00 | 只看该作者
以下是引用tsljz在2003-5-11 6:47:00的发言:
It still depends. For example, are you planning to come back after your graduation? which industry do you plan to work in, as chipmunk bro. said? Is the program in U of Washington a good fit for your interests? Other reasons why you would like to go for a MBA? If you plan to come back and you do not need a MBA to get promotion, I don't think u of Washington is good choice.

Even if you are not doing well in your current position, which I believe is not the case, I still believe you need to think twice before heading to a soso school since it costs you a lot, not only money, but also time, energy, and opportunities.

Just my 2cents.

Thanks a lot.

I think i need a sheet to calculate whether to go
发表于 2003-5-14 10:11:00 | 只看该作者
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