我再来谈谈一些体会。 面试的问题要尽量充分准备,谈得时候要尽量深入的谈自己的观点。下面是一个问题和我的答案。 What brand would you like to chase and why? I’d like to purchase Victor & Rolf. It is a luxury brand in fashion industry. I like this brand because of 3 main reasons: prestigious reputation, excellent quality, and fabulous design. 1, Viktor and Rolf is founded by 2 Dutch designers, who gained quite a few prices in recent years. Therefore, the brand is famous in mode industry. 2, Victor & Rolf is excellent in quality. For example, in one show they dressed model Maggie Rizer in layer upon layer of couture dresses, piled on top of one another. In just 30 minutes, they piled about 20 dressed on the model and every single dress was totally different from another in design and needlework. The show presented its tailor made clipping and needle work. And the designers want to express their products were excellent in quality. 3, Victor & Rolf is fabulous in design. For example, I saw some photos about its unique boutique in Milan, Italy. The boutique is amazing in its design. It is an upside-down decor that has oak parquet on the ceiling and chandeliers sprouting out of the floor. Viktor & Rolf turn things upside down!The boutique has the welcome mat on the ceiling. The upside-down neoclassical décor includes upended columns, archways and even the front door. You really enter into a surrealistic world, the Viktor & Rolf world, where nothing is what it seems to be. It was astonishing for me that I was shocked by the photos and I fell in love with this brand. In conclusion, I like Victor & Rolf because of the 3 main reasons that I mentioned. I’d love to buy its products in the future. 这就是我对这道问题的回答.老实说,我也没底.这些面试官都是业界的精英,他们对产业的见识远胜于我.我谈的只是自己对这个品牌浅显的理解.我边谈边看他们的反应,只见他们互相交换眼神,频频点头,向我微笑,鼓励我继续说下去.我就越说越有信心.一口气把这道题答完. 对于奢侈品的理解,来自于这一年来的恶补。看杂志,上网查资料。有很多以前并不知道的品牌,对这个产业有了新的认识和理解。 总的来说,这次的面试我准备了很多,也得到了很多朋友的支持。再看以前的面试经验的时候,我总在想这个问题我怎么能够说的深入,说得有自己的见解。不管申请这个项目最终的结果如何,我想我都收获了很多。 希望能和大家分享对这个产业的理解和体会。 谢谢!!!