以下是引用нандин在2008-5-6 16:11:00的发言:派专门的公司,这个头一次听说过,我可能要把自己的工作经历要艺术渲染一下,这倒有点让我担心了 Since the brand name is very important to a MBA school, many top-ranked MBA schools are hiring private investigator companies to do background screening. I just paid $50 and signed the authorization form for an agency designated by my school to procure an investigative report on me. The report is considered when finalizing my enrollment into the MBA program. Here is the scope of investigation: "These above-mentioned reports may include, but are not limited to, information as to my character, general information, and personal characteristics, discerned through employment and education veritifications (to include GPA); personal references; personal interviews; my personal credit history based on reports from any credit bureau; my driving history, including any traffic citations; a social security number trace; present and former addresses; criminal and civil history/records; any other public record." |