Hey, Saw your dilemma and decided to give you my 2 cents. We are all current or recently graduated INSEADers (I'm in Lullaby's class) and as you can tell, we are all pretty passionate about our school and the experience. So that in itself should speak volumes about the school and its reputation. But as an American, I can tell you that I DON'T regret it for a second that I did NOT apply or attend an American business school. One of the things my classmates forgot to mention is that students at INSEAD really do have a more global perspective compared to those who you might meet in the U.S. My guess is that those friends of yours who don't know INSEAD, they must all be American or very America-centric. If any of them is open minded enough to have ever considered the possibility of going abroad for an MBA, then they would have learned from their research that INSEAD is one of the best schools out there on the internatinal stage. If you see yourself as someone who wants to embrace a more international career or a more global perspective, you're better off going to INSEAD. I didn't apply to an American school because I didn't want to get stuck with a bunch of people who still believe U.S. will remain to be the center of the universe for as long as we live. Most North American students at INSEAD share my view. And most of them don't necessarily want to return to U.S. or Canada after graduation. That's the big difference. And lastly, growing up in the U.S., we all know Yale is an Ivy League. It's like Harvard, everyone from CEO level to street sweepers know the names Harvard and Yale! What's the big deal???? Those in the recruiting industry who needs to know the status and ranking of a school already know about INSEAD, especially the consulting industry. And if you want to get finnicky about the ranking, honestly, Yale does not rank high at all (compared to the "magic 7") as a business school. For law, maybe, but not MBA. |