247. it is oversimplified view of cattle raising to say that( all one has to do with cattle is leave them alone while they feed themselves and then corral them and )drive them to market when the time is ripe. 括号中为正确答案. 谁能解释一下为什么该处谓语动词要用单数is? 236. unlike other arachnids, which have their nerve cells evenly distributed along their (body, the scorpions has a cluster of nerve cells in irs head, as a mammal does.) 括号中为正确答案 请问,body难道为不可数名词?为什么不用bodies?
以下是引用mindfree在2003-4-30 20:22:00的发言: 第一题的答案是有争议, 我认为此答案不正确. 但是is是肯定对的. 此类从句做主语谓语要用单数, 类似的例子有:What I want to know is the deadline, the budget and the compensation.
还请bravemba兄解释一下您的说法. 如果按照您的说法:句子做主语的时候,句子中的谓语动词同主句谓语动词要保持一致 那么咱们举个例子:What I want to know is the deadline,the budget and the compensation. 那么其中句子中的谓语动词是want, 主句的谓语动词是is. 你的意思是这两者要一致吗? 另外,补充我前面所说的"句子做主语谓语动词要用单数" 我想应该是主语从句做主语,主句谓语动词要用单数.
以下是引用braveMBA在2003-5-3 12:52:00的发言: 我补充一下,主语从句做主语后的谓语动词用单数。WHAT从句做主语,句子中的谓语动词同主句谓语动词要保持一致,或主谓一致,指同主句谓语动词后的内容一致,What all students have to do are .... 对不起,没有解释清楚。 [/quote 谢谢,原来还有这样的区分, 我以前没注意到, 那么是否可以这样认为: 这道题,原句中all one has to do with cattles如同与what从句一致吗??