以下是引用pwjcathy在2008-4-6 15:38:00的发言:congrats. BTW, lz meant Top10 = Darden? Gmat 700-710, what do you think it means when applying to M7? hehe maybe I should not say Darden is one of the top10s... Let's say it is a decent one. I am not saying that 700 or 710 can not get into M7, yes you can. I am saying, GMAT is like your "safety belt" , the higher the better... 不知道怎么说好,这句话还是说中文吧:如果你和我一样,背景一般,其实大部分人背景都是一般的,不过有一般好和一般不好的区别而已,而且你想读M7,那么你考一个猛高的分数,比如800什么的,绝对可以帮助你脱颖而出的,而如果你只有700,那么你要抓紧扶手坐这辆过山车了。如果你足够用力,抓的够劲,而且运气不错的话,也不会被甩掉的。
[此贴子已经被作者于2008-4-7 9:44:02编辑过] |