BU has fairly limited finance program only offer 11 courses in finance concentration, and quite fundamental whereas Olin offers more than double, 25 courses you can see the courses are much more sophisticated and well-rounded then you may have less to prove what you've learned from BU when you interview BU is ranked 40 in US NEWS by specialty in Finance Olin is ranked 25 PSU is also around 40 Olin's Financehttp://www.olin.wustl.edu/MBA/Academics/index.cfm?sid=48&tid=59#concentrations Advanced Corporate Finance I - Valuation Advanced Corporate Finance II - Financing Advanced Corporate Finance III - Frontiers of Valuation Advanced Derivative Securities Data Analysis for Investments Derivative Securities Financial Institutions Financial Intermediation Financial Issues in Leasing Financial Markets Fixed-Income Securities International Finance International Financial Markets and Institutions (offered in Summer London Program) Investment Banking Investments Praxis Investment Theory Mergers and Acquisitions Mortgage-Backed Securities Options & Futures Real Estate Finance Real Option Valuation Risk Management Venture Capital and Private Equity
BU's Finance http://management.bu.edu/gpo/fulltime/mba/curriculum/courses.html#FINANCE FE814: Intellectual Property and Business Strategy FE815: Competitive Decision Making FE820: Corporate Financial Management FE821: Advanced Corporate Finance FE822: Fixed Income Markets FE825: Advanced Topics in Investments FE827: International Financial Management FE827: International Financial Management FE829: Futures, Options & Financial Risk Management FE848: Real Options in Valuation, Risk Management, and Strategy FE850: Private Equity: Leveraged Buyouts
[此贴子已经被作者于2008-4-2 4:06:41编辑过] |