以下是引用安卓美达在2008-3-29 17:29:00的发言: 真搞不懂lz为什么会据了 Colquitt这个业界大牛而去了Georgia State Colquitt is definitely a big name, but not as big as Wayne and Liden in UIC. I had serious talks with these professors who suggested me to follow my initiative and conduct research in the field I am interested in rather than follow some guys dealing with other stuff. That's why I prefer GSU. They have several distinguished researchers there focusing on strategic HR in a global context. And more highly experienced and well-known people are expected to come in 08 Fall or Spring 09. Steve Whiting is leaving for IUB under the invitation of Baldwin, but there will be new faces aboarding the team. BTW, Bommer may come back from Fresno after recovering from the loss of his wife. Kraimmer from WUSTL is now also seriously considering the transfer. In the meanwhile, HJ Park expects for 5-6 paper done review and published at AMR/AMJ/JAP in 08 and 09 with Patrick Wright @ Cornell. So, etc. etc. and etc...... I know that UFL really counts a lot and is hot, but Colquitt is more OB oriented. He is not gonna stuck there in the following 5 years. I heard some rumor from Liden and Noe that Colquitt may take the offer from GA Tech. On the other hand,  enn State and Ohio State have both posted out their sincerity to Colquitt. My guess would be that Noe is trying to find some sort of successors. But in the field of Strategic HR, Colquitt, with all due respect, means nothing. Barney and Wright are still leading the rangers. However, Prof. Liao at Rutgers has done extremely terrific jobs to distinguish herself as one of the big names in Strategic HR. Nobody doubts that she will be hot. Actually she IS hot. |