以下是引用hope08在2008-3-28 20:43:00的发言:必然是OXFORD啦。牛津大名在中国大陆及港澳台地区的老百姓当中是如雷贯耳啊,几乎与哈佛耶鲁斯坦福齐名,谁还会在乎你MBA是不是好进或者排名多少?读MBA的一个主要目的也就是镀镀金,当然要读名头大的啦。而且你牛津毕业,校友力量也不可低估,不管是不是MBA专业的。 这有啥可考虑的,唉 老百姓当中是如雷贯耳啊, yes, but they are not the elite ones who provide great and MBA-level jobs. 读MBA的一个主要目的也就是镀镀金. It may be true for you, but not for most Chinese MBAs in USA. 校友力量也不可低估,不管是不是MBA专业的. Oxford undergraduates, who are really excellent (really comparable with H/Y/S), will not care to network with Oxford MBA, which is far less reputed, and far easier to get admission from. |