以下是引用evasylu在2008-3-27 23:31:00的发言: Dear LZ I was put on Chicago waitlist in round 2. Did you provide any extra records or retested scores to improve your application profile? I would highly aprreciate your exp. sharing. I'm sorry to hear about your WL status. Since I have limited knowledge about how to get off the WL, I might not be able to help a lot. Yet, I believe if your GMAT is higher than 720 and Toefl higher than 105, there is no point for you to retake the tests. It might be helpful to update them on your new leadership role or new extracurricular activities. Or, having some GSB alumni to provide extra recos. One more info to share, according to GSB's admit student portal, as of March 28, GSB has issued 22 offers (R1 + R2) to applicants in mainland China this year. Among the 22 offers, 5 were given to EMBA students. Among the 17 MBA offers, 15 were given to Chinese and 2 were to foreigner. Therefore, they actually issued 15 offers to mainland Chinese applicants. Given the fact that at least two GSB offer holders, based on my limited knowledge, also hold offers from Wharton, the number of enrolled students might further decrease to 13. With that said, you still stand a good chance to get off the WL if GSB plans to enroll at least 20, already a conservative estimate if comparing with 30 last year, to ensure China's representation in the community. Wish you all the good luck!
[此贴子已经被作者于2008-3-28 2:42:45编辑过] |