今天收到了GMAT作文成绩6分,有些惊喜但也似意料之中. 因为考G的四个礼拜我从CD得到不少帮助和鼓励,所以下面把我的一点浅见奉上以作回报.
首先我的背景是巳在美国工作数年在职有小孩,所以从下经验也许适合有少许英文写作水平的CDers. 我准备GMAT AWA时间大约共4-6小时(分布在四周内).我先看了一篇牛文” 作文5分的底线是什么”,觉得很有帮助.因为巳找不到link, 特copy在本文最后. 我的感想: - 字数最好500以上
- 分5-6段:开头, 3点3段 (参见AWA版我的sample), 结尾.
- 我认为没必要背模板,一则有抄袭嫌疑,二则我认为GMAT评分与模板的用词等毫无关系: 根据GMAT, The Analytical Writing Assessment is used to
provide an independent ranking of your ability to think critically and to communicate clearly when writing in English,所以我认为最重要的是你的观点,而非所谓强转折词,或其它华丽的词藻,句型. - 最好的模板也许是mba.com上的两篇例文,我看了2-3遍
- 最重要的是观点:所以我会先用4-5分钟思考3-4个要点,写下来,然后每个要点用一段解释.我个人认为这最作文6分关键: 你的要点是否合理,令人信服?
GMAT是考思维能力,这点我们中国人应该有优势. - 例子: 我没特别在意用什么例子,如果有例子刚好支持我的要点就用.实考时两篇共用了一个例子.
- 最后我用3-4分钟检查.
- 七宗罪: 我看了,觉得有道理,但对我似乎没什么用上,因为想要点我还是基本上自己思考.
下面附上一篇陋文,主要是表明要点分段写作的方法.这是我用mba.com的题目顾意写的相反现点.大家可以看到我用词句等其实很一般.所以我能得6分,相信大家一定也可以. "People often complain that products are not made to last. They feel that making products that wear out fairly quickly wastes both natural and human resources. What they fail to see, however, is that such manufacturing practices keep costs down for the consumer and stimulate demand." Which do you find more compelling, the complaint about products that do not last or the response to it? Explain your position, using relevant reasons and/or examples from your own experience, observations, or reading. The issue about the advantages and disadvantages for products to wear is a complex one. Different people hold different views due to their different angles. Many people feel that making products that wear out fairly quickly wastes both natural and human resources. On the other hand, it can be noted that such manufacturing practices keep costs down for the consumer and stimulate demand. In this discussion, I shall present arguments that favor the later statement and refute the first statement. First of all, products do need to wear out in order for newer, more innovative products to replace them. This is how the economy and technology progress. For example, in the computer industry, new technology is developed and older technology is replaced every two years. This is called the two-year cycle in the industry and this cycle has a tremendous effect to drive the research and development of computer industry to reach one peak after another. People may complain that their computers easily break and soon after two or three years they have to buy new computers. However they do also realize that the new computers they purchase are much more powerful, innovative, yet at roughly the same price as their old computers two years ago. This is a perfect example showing how the cyclic replacement of older products can help stimulate demand and as a result, stimulate research and development of more innovative products and eventually keep the costs down.
In addition, manufacturing products that would wear out in some period is not a waste of human resources. In fact, in computer industry, a lot of innovative ideas are generated during the manufacturing process and these new ideas enable us to make newer and better products. Products that wear do not necessarily have poor quality. I believe that the most important factor to consider is if the new product is innovative enough to satisfy people’s needs. As long as innovation is generated and people’s needs are satisfied, no human resources are wasted. The group of people who feel that making products that wear out fairly quickly wastes human resources assume without justification that manufacturing products that wear out is not innovative and productive, which is just not true. Finally, I believe that manufacturing products that would wear out is not a waste of natural resources. Today, a lot of the older products can be recycled and reused. And recycle industry in turn creates millions of jobs that help propel the advancements of economy. Admittedly, products that wear out extremely easily and quickly are not good for either the consumer or the economy. However, there exists an optimal point how quickly a product should wear out in order to stimulate economy and lower costs. Therefore, based on the reasons mentioned above, I believe that manufacturing practices that make products that reasonably wear out can indeed help keep costs down for the consumer and stimulate demand, and they do not necessarily waste human and natural resources. 祝大家排除万难,迎接胜利!!!
转贴牛人的"作文5分的底线":申明不是我的贡献 所以我觉得真的有必要上来告诉大家作文5分的底线是什么,以节约大家时间: 1. 如果你天生不是作家,不能文思泉涌,不能出口成章,那就算是copy+paste,把题目重复了10遍,也一定要凑出600字儿来。(我在自己的文章中拆开了,合起来,一共重复了大概5遍)一定要分段(5-6-7 段都可以,多多少少都不好)。 2. 如果你真的不会长句子,不懂得排比,不会搞从句,就用短句也好,切记:想办法用上however,but,so,finaly====强转折词汇。 3. 如果你真地记不清楚一个特长单词的拼写,而你一定要用它,大胆写吧,只要一篇文章里不超过3个,只要你不用它将无法完成一个关键的句子。 4. 如果不小心,你发现刚刚写下的那个句子无法继续或者和文章没有关系,千万别删掉啊,费时费力。你就当没写过那个句子,继续就好了。(但是要保证该句子本身没有错误) 5. 如果不够600字,宁愿没时间检查,(但是这样的话,一定要在写的时候留神,别错“太多”。) 所以基本上一个人需要2个小时准备作文: 1. 七宗罪必看(1个小时) 2. 闭目养神,锻炼一下自己就任何一件事情胡说八道的能力(1个小时)
[此贴子已经被作者于2008-3-10 10:11:46编辑过] |