我没有密封,但今天收到EDHEC这样一封信: Dear XXX We are pleased to inform you that your application to the EDHEC Master in Management programme for the academic years 2008/2009 and 2009/2010 has been provisionally accepted by our MIM Selection Committee. Your final admission is conditional on the receipt of your sealed and authentic Chinese transcripts for the BA. As soon as the first instalment of tuition fee has been made, you will receive an official acceptance confirmation and be provided access to a service that will help you with practical information regarding your arrival to Nice, France (or Lille, France), documents that you will need for the registration process, forms to fill out for French courses, information on the school calendar and general programme information. (下面就是列举了不同交费期,省略) 想问一下 1,成绩一定要密封吗?看上面的MM说就没有密封嘛。不知道是不是我的成绩有什么问题。 2,这封信的内容也一直理解不能ing~。是不是可以理解为要是把中文成绩密封着寄给他们了,就表示已经被录取了? 还是说,即使寄了,也只是材料通过,能够进入评审程序呢?
[此贴子已经被作者于2008-4-29 20:19:03编辑过] |