以下是引用monacopig在2008-3-14 19:21:00的发言: 你确定?麦家和波家在大中华能给到80万一年????nnm拿到offer没啊?拿到给确定一下,多谢。
42万,可能是INSEAD毕业去CONSULTING FIRM半年的工资! all the top tier consulting firms, namely mck/bcg/atk/lek/monitor/ow/bah etc etc, pay more than 80w, including bonus i mean in mainland china i haven't graduated and in fact, getting offer from any of the above firms is a very very tough job but to get an offer from these firms, you definitely need an MBA from top-tier b-school let me give you an example, from what i just got from a bcg recruiter last week -- overall, the admission rate of bcg is less than 1% -- bcg made 240 offers to INSEAD in the last 3 years, but less than half were accepted, simply because it's not a fair game: good people get all the offers -- globally, 90%+ of new MBA hires are from US m-7 and INSEAD + LBS; and 40%~50% from 3 schools: HBS, Wharton and INSEAD, partially due to the size of these programs (800+) -- bcg china (beijing+shanghai+hongkong) made roughly 40 offers in 2007/2008 recruiting season, to all the b-schools; i know 3 of the offeree from INSEAD's december graduates(but INSEAD has 2 intakes, so there is an special off-circle recruiting campain for INSEAD July graduates, of which i am one) none from chinese b-schools as far as i know hope this helps
[此贴子已经被作者于2008-3-14 21:05:08编辑过] |