以下是引用wendylee在2008-2-27 16:20:00的发言: wow! big cong!
也恭喜你如愿以偿的拿到了自己的dream offer!
btw: LZ可否分享一下面试的经历呢?
不好意思,到现在都没有贡献具体面径,因为觉得问题都差不多。 UCI Interview summary: Feb.6th 2008 1. Walk me through your resume 2. Tell me about your career progress (Why change the job) 3. Why MBA 4. Why Irvine 5. Leadship style 6. Successful leading story 7. Unsuccesful leading story 8. Who is your most favorate leader 9. Short term and long term goals 10. Criteria for choosing schools 11. Any other area you would like to learn in Irvine? 12. What are you currently doing? 13. Any questions? 我觉得第7个和第8个问题我回答的不是很好, 很牵强。 后来面试完后我又补了邮件告诉她我的想法。其他的我基本都准备过了。 在问到我long term caree goal时,我把我头天晚上新作的business model 图表给她看了下。她似乎很感兴趣,问我can I keep it? 我当然求之不得。。呵呵。 然后穿着还是蛮重要吧。在我前面一个面试和后面一个面试的都是打扮的很好很正式的MM。幸好面试前LG帮我买了正装和高跟鞋,不然就对比太明显了。 Hope the above can give you some help!
[此贴子已经被作者于2008-2-28 5:51:03编辑过] |