this is a quite old article. cannot tell which year they did the surveys but obviously the president of chinese university of hong kong (cuhk) is no longer in place. The guy has been promoted to the hong kong education administration and is very unpopular in unversities in hong kong nowadays. He strongly urged the hong kong university of science and technology (hkust) to merge with cuhk but was resisted by hkust.
以下是引用catcherintherye在2003-12-17 20:33:00的发言: this is a quite old article. cannot tell which year they did the surveys but obviously the president of chinese university of hong kong (cuhk) is no longer in place. The guy has been promoted to the hong kong education administration and is very unpopular in unversities in hong kong nowadays. He strongly urged the hong kong university of science and technology (hkust) to merge with cuhk but was resisted by hkust.
[此贴子已经被作者于2003-12-17 20:33:45编辑过]
strong insights! How about the current situation about merge. I asked the professor of UST, answer is sure not within the 2-3 yrs. But who knows the future?