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发表于 2007-12-26 17:06:00 | 只看该作者
以下是引用wenronhui在2007-12-24 21:43:00的发言:
BW Business Schools
BusinessWeek's comprehensive guide to business schools.



    • CEIBS R1 2008
  • 73700
  • From: Raaja
  • Posted: Dec-14
  • To: All
  • 1 of 7
  • 73700.1


I was wondering whether anyone applied to CEIBS R1.

Does anyone have any idea if CEIBS will be a good option for Finance/ Investment banking?

For some good reason CEIBS is ranked #11 in FT 2007 Full Time MBA ranking !


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  • From: tigerwang
  • Posted: Dec-21
  • To: Raaja
  • 2 of 7
  • 73700.2
If u wanna do business in China or Greater China Area, definitely CEIBS is the best choice, considering good ranking and comparably cheap tuition fee and living costs.
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  • From: manjazz
  • Posted: Dec-21
  • To: tigerwang
  •   :: Unread :: 
  • 3 of 7
  • 73700.3

I went to CEIBs on exchange... the classes are poor and not worth your time... The ranking is garbage. I think the FT made a mistake... missing a digit... the true ranking should be 111 and not 11.

The students are quite intelligent, but the faculty is horrendous.  The 2nd year courses are so generic they really add no value whatsoever. In addition, top banks and consulting firms avoid CEIBS like a plague...

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  • From: redswing
  • Posted: Dec-21
  • To: manjazz
  •   :: Unread :: 
  • 4 of 7
  • 73700.4

I agree - went on my CEIBS exchange and was terribly disappointed by the quality of the teaching as well as the administration staff. Much of the student population wasn't at all impressive. Finally, the renowned campus, designed by a famous architect, is a joke for a school.

Quite a few professors are not equipped with the tools to teach MBA students. In a particular instance, a marketing professor set a quiz on NPV but he was unable to explain the concept of NPV in class. The administration lags behind in getting anything done - and the crux of the class is not particpation but attendance. The over-zealous administration often penalizes students severely for missing classes - missing 20% of classes will result in failing grades. When asks to clarify the situation, replies come back a month later. 

Plenty of the local students are just poor candidates for business school - with no real drive to learn or cooperate in projects/assignments. Most of them were just copy&pasting answers while only being concerned with checking stocks and skipping classes for golf. When actually present for classes, comments or contribution to the class were infrequent and poorly phrased. In fact, most of their language skills were found lacking. Some had even requested to converse in Mandarin during group meetings as they were not articulate enough to converse with others in English. This is ridiculous especially when many of them score 700+ on the GMATs. The only thing to learn from them is how to be lazy when it comes to work and blame others for your inadequacies.

The campus is often touted as an architectural marvel - however the campus is small, dirty and in shambles. Cracks are often present in the walls of the school - the place looks presentable but it is falling apart. The heating system dont work: In the summer, when temperatures soar to 40 degrees celcius, the AC wouldn't work. In the winter, the school refuses to turn on heating unless it is below 10degrees celcius. Also, the Pudong campus is really far from civilization - 1hr minimum to the city. The only way to get a subway station is via a relatively expensive cab ride.   

The only plausible answer to why their ranking is so high is the difference between their salaries before and after. Entering with annual 60K RMB (6K ? and exiting with annual 120K RMB (12K ? is alot for a local student but is peanuts compared to the post-MBA salaries of any top 20 school. All in all - CEIBS were the bane of my MBA career - i highly recommend anyone against going to the school for exchange or full-time.

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  • From: jelt
  • Posted: Dec-21
  • To: redswing
  •   :: Unread :: 
  • 5 of 7
  • 73700.5

And I thought I was the only one with a bad experience at CEIBS. I visited last week, and the admissions officer immediately quizzed me on my GMAT score. Then, after waxing lyrical about how they were higher on 'potential' than actual length of work experience, proceded to shoot me down for only having internships and pre-college FT work experience ("get some REAL work experience", he said). Finally, he proclaimed very happily to me that their students were top class, as evinced by their (look here!) Merril Lynch Hong Kong and Deutsche Bank India admits.

Perhaps most bizzare, when I then asked about Chinese language programmes, he said that I hadn't taken the HSK (the Chinese TOEFL) and so wouldn't be eligibile to apply. That is, IF THEY HAD SUCH PROGRAMMES IN THE FIRST PLACE (and they don't). Huh??

I'm going to avoid this school like the plague.
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  • From: m330ci
  • Posted: Dec-23
  • To: All
  • 6 of 7
  • 73700.6
i remember looking through their glossy viewbook and in the back (or it could have been in the packet, anyway) was an application and i was amused that they had a section for a picture.  hahahahaha.
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  • From: ib_asia
  • Posted: 7:09 AM
  • To: m330ci
  •   :: Unread :: 
  • 7 of 7
  • 73700.7

CEIBS sucks, like many of you I wasted my time with them as well.

FT lists crazy salary figures, meanwhile when you talk with CEIBS, the true salaries are in the range of 35-45k USD! This is what happens, FT adjusts CEIBS's figures for PPP... Now I really care less that I can get a flat relatively cheap in Shanghai, and even that is not true lately.  Also, try getting a job in Shanghai without fluent Mandarin-Chinese.  It is better to go to Hong Kong or SIngapore. Heard Hong Kong UST is a decent choice for Finance, but have not confirmed that yet.

看来不少Exchage的学生对中欧有很不好的影响, 很少听到这样的评论,看来中欧在软件方面的确还有不少是要去改进的

发表于 2008-1-16 14:06:00 | 只看该作者

i dont' know much about the quality in CEIBS, but if i were you, facing US and China experience, i would definitly choose US as international experience is a must for most top-tier professional firms.

money should not be the concern if you really aim high for your future career!!

发表于 2008-1-16 20:36:00 | 只看该作者

of course Darden

发表于 2008-3-26 19:00:00 | 只看该作者

我就想了解,LZ问了这么久,最后选哪家? 我怀疑某些人天天询问些子虚乌有的假问题.

 楼主| 发表于 2008-3-27 11:08:00 | 只看该作者
以下是引用谈股论金在2008-3-26 19:00:00的发言:

我就想了解,LZ问了这么久,最后选哪家? 我怀疑某些人天天询问些子虚乌有的假问题.

谢谢关心, 选择了ceibs。 国内有自己的两家公司。 所以综合考虑,选了中欧。

发表于 2008-3-27 20:33:00 | 只看该作者
以下是引用fightingfor在2007-12-23 22:03:00的发言:

学费呢, 选择的时候大家考虑的吗?

 毕竟中欧给了个二等奖学金. darden一点都没给.



发表于 2008-3-28 18:45:00 | 只看该作者


呵呵 我拿到了CEIBS的一等奖学金 我还在犹豫 徘徊


发表于 2008-3-28 19:48:00 | 只看该作者
以下是引用irisfang在2008-3-28 18:45:00的发言:


呵呵 我拿到了CEIBS的一等奖学金 我还在犹豫 徘徊


发表于 2008-3-28 20:00:00 | 只看该作者
以下是引用慕容楠生在2008-3-27 20:33:00的发言:


发表于 2008-3-29 10:31:00 | 只看该作者
以下是引用慕容楠生在2008-3-28 19:48:00的发言:



我拿到CK的 almost 全奖 和CEIBS的一等


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