谢谢楼上的兄弟,今天刚收到Peter Johnson的回复,大意说俺的资格不够,请帮助参考一下,问题在哪里。人家都说咱不合适,那还要不要申请?简直有点郁闷,咱中国的银行内部升迁制度他们可能不明白,咱是专业吃饭,不会人际关系,哪能升得更快更高?又是小城市,不然俺也不愤然辞职啊。提前谢谢哦:) On the basis of your CV I assess that you meet our minimum eligibility requirements for the Masters in Finance at London Business School. However, as you are probably already aware, competition for places on the programme is very severe and the quality of the applicant pool is extremely high. Hence, we would suggest that you gain additional finance experience at a more senior level before applying in order to fully benefit from, and contribute to, the programme. At this stage, we feel that your profile on completion of the programme may not be attractive to recruiters. For the profiles of the current class see the participant directories which can be downloaded at http://www.london.edu/mif/whoisthemifdesignedfor.html If however you disagree with my assessment you are welcome to submit an application, making your case in the personal statement (essay question) why you think you have the necessary experience and why 2008 entry is the right time for you. If you have any questions at any stage, please do not hesitate to contact me. |