(D)Conestoga wagons had high wheels capable of crossing rutted roads, muddy flats, and the nonroads of the prairie, and a floor that was curved upward at both ends to prevent (E)Conestoga wagons had high wheels capable of crossing rutted roads, muddy flats, and the nonroads of the prairie and floors curving upward at their ends so that it prevented 平行结构在D里面当然是没有问题的 我的问题可能表述的不够清楚,我的意思是 如果wheels没有后面一长串的修饰 即:Conestoga wagons had high wheels(,) and a floor ... 或者wheels后面的修饰换成没有歧义的性质 比如:Conestoga wagons had high wheels capable of being uninstalled(,) and a floor ... 这样逗号就没用了吧。 我的问题是 这个逗号的功能究竟是切割两个宾格成分的习惯用法还是为了避免平行歧义而特别加上的。 如果前一个宾语有长串的修饰(甚至比这道题里的更长),但没有造成歧义的嫌疑的时候,是否加逗号呢? 将牛角钻成长笛
[此贴子已经被作者于2007-11-12 17:35:18编辑过] |